Thursday, January 28, 2010

What’s he or “we” doing? to the AFG?

Analyzing President Obama's state of the union address Full story at Washington post

Highlights: President Obama delivered the first state of the union address of his presidency, a 71-minute speech that ranked as the sixth longest in presidential history. (The famously long-winded Bill Clinton has four of the five longest speeches.) The White House posted its version of the highlights from the speech and you can read the whole thing for yourself; Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell delivered a solid if not spectacular Republican response that will likely cement his status as a rising star within the party. The gaffe of the night? That came from Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito who mouthed the words "not true" when the president condemned the recent Citizens United ruling.

On the fire side, is his halt to federal spending going to put a halt  to the assistance to firefighter grant program. It’s been a year to year funding for this program Could this be an end, better get your information in line for applying this year as it may be the last year for the AFG????

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